N-ergy Program


Adapted from the Student Health Center's Expedition N-ergy, the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine N-ergy is a free wellness program for medical students. Students who participate will receive information on nutrition and physical activity through weekly sessions, tracking, and fun activities. The program is for all levels of fitness and is aimed at increasing physical activity and improving eating habits.

The program is delivered through four weekly sessions which consist of: goal setting, monthly curricula information, tracking cards, team challenges and an incentive relevant to the month's topic. Throughout the program, participants will be given the opportunity to engage in organized hikes, exercise groups, and nutrition workshops. Participants who complete the weekly module will be entered into a raffle to win a free prize!

N-ergy is a fun, simple, and free way to maintain or improve healthy behaviors. Please keep in mind that participation in the weekly meeting sessions are very brief, lasting only about 30 minutes.

Program Feedback

"The program made things fun - which decreased stress."

"[As a result of the N-ergy Program] I did become more mindful about implementing dietary, exercise, and water consumption changes."

"[As a result of participating in N-ergy] I feel more relaxed about my health because I found some good tools to help me eat healthy even when life gets really busy. "

"It was nice to feel the sense of community with other classmates. "

"[The N-ergy Program] reminded me of which things I need to put energy into and focus on. Whether or not I reach goals each week, the program put them back into mind so at least they will be in my thoughts when I make health decisions."

"It was a great exercise in self-awareness. The information packets gave us some great tips and insight, too."

"[The N-ergy Program] Helps get back into a wellness state of mind. Keeps me organized, healthy, and happy."