Clinical Ethics Committees: Watch an Ethics Consult in Action

Mary-Ann Brown R.N., MSN, CHPCA, GCHCE, HEC-C

Online CME Credit

Fee: $50.00

Provides 2.00 hour of CE/CME credit (Presented on April 4, 2023; Reviewed on May 1, 2023; Expires Aprili 4, 2026)


The purpose of this series is to provide healthcare professionals the opportunity to learn how to care for themselves and their patients during challenging times. Each session is intended to address Nevada specific CME requirements related to ethics, SBIRT, and suicide prevention.

This session topic is part of a three-part series. To view all session topics in this series, please click on TriplePlay! On-Demand CME Program Series: Ethics. SBIRT. Suicide Prevention.

Learning Objectives

Following participation in this course, participants should be able to:

  • Following participation in this course, participants should be able to:
  • Describe the three main functions of a Clinical Ethics Committee
  • List three common issues/reasons for a Clinical Ethics Committee Consultation
  • Identify and define at least one ethical principle