A healthy Nevada starts here.
Established in 1969, UNR Med is improving the health and well-being of all Nevadans and their communities through excellence in education, training, clinical care and research.
Nevada's first medical school
The School of Medicine is a research-intensive, community-based, statewide medical school with campuses in Northern Nevada's metropolitan and rural areas. Through targeted growth and investment in education, clinical services and research, we are a resource for improving health care regionally and across the country.
UNR Med Ranks in Top 100 for NIH Research Funds for 2021
The University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine ranked in the top 100 schools based on research funding received by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2021. In addition, the departments of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Microbiology all ranked in the top 100 of their respective fields.
Our Programs
Providing an Unrivaled Education since 1969, the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine has prepared more than 3,500 students, residents and fellows to lead the way to better health.
M.D. Program
Students are drawn to the small class sizes, award-winning faculty members and well-balanced work and school life. Our goal is to engage students in the pursuit of clinical excellence as lifelong learners through leadership, communication and teamwork and to support faculty in the development, delivery and evaluation of the curriculum.
Physician Assistant Studies
The Physician Assistant (PA) Studies Program at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine is a fantastic opportunity for individuals interested in health care.
Speech Pathology & Audiology
Typically there are approximately 200 undergraduate and 50 graduate students enrolled in one of our three degree programs offered (B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.).
Graduate Medical Education
Our programs meet and exceed the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) requirements in each of the disciplines offered.
Med School News
Meet a UNR Med Scientist – Caroline Cobine, Ph.D.
Physiology and Cell Biology researcher explores how acid reflux is prevented
Picture of health: improving Latino representation in health care
From literacy to language barriers, Jose Cucalon Calderon, M.D, aims to bridge gaps in health care access, education and representation for Northern Nevada’s Latino population
The Hitchcock Project for Visualizing Science inspires Douglas Collins to conduct TikTok interview series
Upcoming Events
10:00 AM
Academic Lectures and Seminars
Stay Steady: Balance and Movement Lecture and Assessment at OLLI at University of Nevada, Reno12:30 PM
Community Outreach
Sanford Center for Aging Diabetes Self-Management In-Person at Sparks Senior Center01:00 PM
Community Outreach
Sanford Center Offers Stepping On for Older Adults at Renown Professional Circle