Improving the health of all Nevadans

Supporting the mission of the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine through statewide engagement, education and research.

Project Echo - Connecting Nevada's Communities to Speciality Care

Project ECHO Nevada

The purpose of Project ECHO Nevada is to expand the capacity of health professionals to effectively treat common, chronic, and complex health conditions in underserved populations throughout Nevada.

Rural road in Nevada

Nevada State Office of Rural Health

The purpose of the Nevada State Office of Rural Health (SORH) is to improve access to quality health care for rural Nevada by providing collaborative leadership and resources to health care and community organizations.

Physicians Standing in front of a clinic

Nevada Area Health Education Centers

The purpose of the Nevada Area Health Education Center (AHEC) program is to meet the needs of the communities we serve through robust community-academic partnerships that focus on recruiting, training, and developing our health care workforce.

Employees holding the Nevada Health Data Book

Nevada Health Workforce Research Center

The purpose of the Nevada Health Workforce Research Center (NHWRC) is to improve the collection and analysis of data on health workforce supply and demand to enhance health workforce planning and development in Nevada.

A speaker delivering a presentation to a group of attentive listeners

Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center-NV

The purpose of the Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center-NV is to empower our state’s health care community to reduce the number of new HIV infections and to improve the wellbeing of people living with HIV through education, resources, and community partnerships.

Heart cutout on grass

Nevada Organ Donor Program

The Legislature passed AB 497 in 2001 that created a program that was tasked with working with the DMV to create and maintain an accurate list of individuals who have pledged to be organ donors and to provide support and education to increase the number of organ donors in the state.