Nevada Health Workforce Research Center

The purpose of the Nevada Health Workforce Research Center in the Office of Statewide Initiatives is to improve the collection and analysis of data on health care workforce supply and demand to enhance health workforce planning and development in Nevada. The vision of the center is to assist health education institutions and policymakers in Nevada understand Nevada’s need for well-prepared health professionals and to better inform investments in Nevada’s health care workforce and health care system. The Nevada Health Workforce Research Center aims to be the most trusted source for health care workforce data and analysis in Nevada.

Current and ongoing Nevada Health Workforce Research Center projects and activities include:

  • Annual publication of the Health Workforce in Nevada report, a comprehensive assessment of statewide and regional health workforce supply and demand in Nevada;
  • Annual publication of the Graduate Medical Education Survey-Nevada, an assessment of postgraduate medical education trends in Nevada;
  • Biennial production of the Nevada Rural and Frontier Health Data Book;
  • Annual publication of the Physician Workforce in Nevada report;
  • Ongoing survey data collection and analysis of first-year and graduating students in nursing programs in the Nevada System of Higher Education;
  • Biennial publication and dissemination of the Health Care Careers in Nevadamanual, a guide for middle- and high school students interested in health care careers;
  • Minimum data set (MDS) development for health care occupations in Nevada, including medicine, nursing, oral health, mental health, and pharmacy;
  • Participation in and data analytic support to local, state, and national health workforce planning efforts, including the Governor’s Workforce Investment Board’s Health Services and Medical Sector Council;
  • Ongoing updates to the Nevada Instant Atlas, an online database with current health-related data.

For additional information on the Nevada Health Workforce Research Center, please contact:

John Packham, PhD


Nevada Health Workforce Research Center
Amanda Brown
Amanda Brown
Research Analyst - LOA
Moana Building
Nevada Health Workforce Research Center
Laima  Etchegoyhen
Laima Etchegoyhen, MPH
Coordinator, Technical Assistance and Outreach
(775) 682-8471
Off Campus
Nevada Health Workforce Research Center
Tabor Griswold
Tabor Griswold, Ph.D.
Program Director, Health Workforce Research
(775) 682-8475
Moana Building
Nevada Health Workforce Research Center
Nicole Mwalili
Nicole Mwalili
Research Analyst-LOA
(775) 682-8476
Moana Building