Medical Students and Residents

Medical Student Research Day
The Office of Medical Research is thrilled to showcase the contribution medical students have in the advancement and innovation to the medical field. Medical Student Research Day is a day dedicated for students to present their research projects and results.
- Quick reference guide which defines the common types of clinical study design
- Publication on generating research questions, hypotheses, and objectives
- Data privacy and confidentiality methodology in research
- Developing a sample size: Resource 1, Resource 2
- Retrospective chart review best practices
- Defining and describing primary endpoints
- Resources for mentoring medical students in research
Checklist to prepare for mentor-mentee meeting
Writing and publishing health research
- Equator network
- Preparing an abstract
- Preparing a case report
Step 1
Complete the required online training. UNR Med requires all investigators planning on conducting research with human participants to receive relevant human research protection training. See which training is relevant for your project.
Complete HIPAA training by enrolling for the applicable course relative to your role found in the CITI course enrollment menu, question 9.
The UNR Research Integrity Office will accept the Renown required human research protection ethics training.
Step 2
Register and create a profile in IRBNet. The UNR Research Integrity Office uses IRBNet, an online platform for project submission and review. See guidance for setting up a profile.
Step 3
Obtain scientific review. Students must identify a faculty PI and mentor to guide preparation of the initial protocol, then submit for scientific review. Students are not permitted to serve as PI on protocols, as PIs must have a University of Nevada, Reno employee or Clinical Adjunct faculty appointments. For biomedical research conducted at Renown, UNR and the VA, complete the Biomedical protocol application, available from the IRBNet Forms and Templates library.
Step 4
Complete the IRB application. See how to create a submission in IRBNet.
The protocol application will ask all of the important information about the research project. This form along with the cover sheet will direct the student to the other relevant submission content.
Share full access on the submission with the research team, Valerie L Smith, Office of Medical Research, and “Research Dept, Renown Clinical” when applicable under UNR-Reno for projects being conducted at Renown Health or using Renown EMR data.
Include CV for the PI, and have each research team member attach human research protection training records to his/her IRBNet user profile; training must be completed at time of submission to avoid review delays.
Include a copy of the final scientific review approval in the submission for biomedical research, EMR chart reviews, and research on identifiable biospecimens.
If your faculty mentor is a community physician, include the Investigator Community Physician Agreement found in the IRBNet Forms and Templates library in the submission, to indicate recognition of requirements for PIs identified in the Human Research Protection Policy Manual, Item 35.
Once your submission is complete, email for review and sign off.
Review of exempt level research with humans at the VA is within the purview of the UNR IRB and is subject to UNR HRPP policies and UNR IRB regulatory review. UNR Med students and principal investigators must submit their protocol (and other appropriate documentation) to IRBNet for UNR IRB review and approval prior to commencement of any research.
The UNR IRB requires documentation of external IRB review at UNR for medical trainees conducting research offsite (external research rotations or collaboration with remote researchers).
- Ensure you and any UNR research team members complete human research training and review of HIPAA guidance as soon as feasible. For research conducted by medical trainees please review the associated guidelines. Faculty mentors at other sites may supply documentation of training from their site.
- Click Guidance on how to register and use the IRBNet online system for submissions.
- Create a New Project in IRBNet.
- Add Part I, Cover Sheet project with requested review path: Request for human research determination. The Part I cover sheet is a wizard form you activate on the Designer page in IRBNet. See the buttons at the bottom of Designer page:
- Include the attached form and training records, along with evidence of external site IRB review.
- Complete and upload the Human Research Determination- UNR Med External Research Rotation found in the forms and templates library.
Share full access on the IRBNet submission with Valerie L Smith and Office of Medical Research, and email for review and sign off.
The guidance at this link describes best practices to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in protecting private identifiable health information gathered for research practices, and how to properly de-identify datasets and maintain master code lists prior to safely sharing data for collaboration or data analytics.
For medical students conducting research at Renown Health or with Renown EMR data, contact to initiate the Renown credentialing process.
For medical students conducting research at the VA or with VA EMR or other VA database data and specimens, contact to initiate the VA credentialing process.