Research Projects

Developmental Research Project (DRP)

The DRP Program is a mentored career development program intended to advance the careers of Nevada researchers in biomedical sciences. The program provides research funding and a mentored pathway of milestones leading to publication submission of an NIH R-type grant proposal or equivalent proposal (NSF, American Heart Association, etc.). The project duration is 2 years, with the second year of funding contingent on the completion of all year 1 milestones.

Pilot Grant and Pilot Grant Plus Programs

The Pilot Grant (PG) Programs are a funding mechanism to engage faculty members and staff at NV INBRE Partner Institutions in research that will address biomedical sciences, increase the culture of research at these institutions, and provide research opportunities for undergraduate students. For detailed information and application information.

Developmental Translational Team Grant

The DTTG funding is to provide support for a clinical investigator teamed with a basic science or a pre-clinical investigator to yeild a project "proof-of-concept" for a subsequent, larger, extramural (NIH, NSF, DoD, USDA, etc.) grant application. For detailed information and application information, please see the DTTG funding page.

Other Research Funding Opportunities