Dr. Devang M. Desai, April 2016

Each day our community faculty illustrate their commitment to educating future physicians through their passion for teaching and examples of excellence. The Office for Community Faculty would like to shine a spotlight on one of the greatest assets of the School of Medicine, our community faculty. You are making a difference in the lives of medical students, patients, and in our communities.

This month's Community Faculty Spotlight is Devang Desai, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.S.C.A.I., Saint Mary's Cardiology Group, University of Nevada School of Medicine Clinical Assistant Professor, specialty in Internal Medicine. His nominators report that Dr. Desai "is an excellent teacher, who never asks for anything in return, helps with case reports, and takes the time to show students and residents how to conduct research." Thank you for your service Dr. Desai, we appreciate you.

How long have you been serving as a Community Faculty member?

When I arrived in Reno in 2008, I started looking into working with medical students and residents.

How do you serve as a Community Faculty member?

I have had a clinical rotation in Cardiology since 2008. I have also given lectures and morning reports.

What is your favorite part about being a Community Faculty member?

I really enjoy working with the fourth year students as they always keep me on my toes. They ask great questions and I appreciate the students' zeal for learning.

What would you tell other physicians who are thinking about serving as a Community Faculty Member?

I would strongly encourage other physicians to become involved as community faculty members. It is very rewarding and we have exceptional physicians in Reno who could really help shape our students and residents.

Please share an experience you've had as Community Faculty member that was impactful for you?

In 2014-2015 I was voted "Instructor of the Year" by the Department of Internal Medicine! I was humbled and speechless at receiving this honor. I was struck by the impact we can have on these young physicians. I constantly preach that "anything we do for the patient should make them live better or live longer" as that is why patients come visit a doctor. I actually heard a medical student repeat this mantra to a patient and I felt at that moment I had made an impact.

Why do you continue serving as a Community Faculty member with the University of Nevada School of Medicine?

I really appreciate playing a small role in the development of our future physicians. It is a great opportunity to make a difference.