Elizabeth Gautereaux

Elizabeth Gautereaux, AuD

Assistant Professor, Speech Pathology and Audiology
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Mahatma Gandhi


Courses Taught

  • SPA 362 Introduction to Audiology I
  • SPA 364 Introduction to Audiology II
  • SPA 366 Speech and Hearing Science
  • SPA 464 Practicum in Clinical Audiology
  • SPA 466 Aural Habilitation and Rehabilitation

Teaching Interests

Dr. Gautereaux’s teaching occurs in both the classroom and clinical setting. She utilizes multiple learning
modalities to support the diverse needs and perspectives of her students. She employs an experiential
and case-based pedagogy using real-life examples and scenarios to facilitate learning and prepare
students for the real-world. She also leverages current technology such as videos, audiovisual supports
and online platforms while incorporating collaborative learning activities into the classroom. In the
clinic, she facilitates a hands-on approach which emphasizes learning through direct experience and
reiterates the importance of focusing treatment on the whole patient not only the audiogram.


  • 2009: Doctor of Audiology, Salus University
  • 2003: Master of Science in Audiology, University of Arizona
  • 2001: Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology and Audiology, University of Nevada Reno