Year 3 Medical Students

Medical students at UNR Med have many diverse specialty interests. Some students have a specialty in mind in Year 1; others will not decide until later in their medical education. The Office of Student Affairs, clinical faculty and advisors will help each student pursue their career goals.

Competitive Specialties

Focus on achieving high clerkship grades. Getting Honors in a clerkship requires:

  • Excellent clinical skills, outstanding work ethic and teamwork
  • Strong preparation for the clerkship shelf exam
  • Going above and beyond the minimum expectations in the syllabus
  • Close communication with the clerkship director and coordinator

Explore specialty interests with Selectives. All Year 3 students begin an intensive advising process in mid-Year 3 to prepare for fourth year. Attend the Specialty Advising Workshops held in Jan./Feb. of your third year. These will help in planning your fourth year schedule and strategy for away rotations. Plan to make your final specialty decision by April-June of your third year.

Check in with Student Affairs to get the latest information on Match trends for your specialty and contact information for recent graduates.

Year 3 Medical Students | Career Advising Activities
Career Advising Activities Required Approximate time of activity
Careers in Medicine Assessments and Webinars Recommended
Learning & Wellness Meetings Recommended
Post-Step 1 and Away Rotation Advising Meetings Required Summer between Year 2 and 3
Context of Patient Care Advising Workshop Required Summer
Away Rotation Planning Workshop and TexasSTAR Database Access Required December
Year 3 Specialty Interest Advising Workshops Required Fall-Winter
Year 4 Electives Planning Workshop Required Jan./Feb.
Applying to Residency Workshop Required April
Careers in Medicine Collaboration with Student Interest Groups Recommended As available
Post-Match Panel Recommended March
Career Advising 1-on-1 Meetings with Clinical Advisor and the Career Advising Team  Required Varies