Catherine McCarthy, M.D., FAAFP



Dr McCarthy is a professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, where she completed residency in 2003. She is passionate about showing residents and students the joys of family medicine. Dr McCarthy has interests in women's health and rural medicine. Dr McCarthy enjoys caring for women and families through pregnancy, delivery and well-childcare. Recently, she helped to establish a Centering Pregnancy program at UNR Med and is currently working to establish a Centering Parenting program. She is the director of the rural prenatal clinic and also enjoys working in rural ER. Dr McCarthy has been active in the Nevada chapter of the AAFP, on the board of directors, as past-president, AAFP delegate, CME chair and as a foundation trustee. She has also served the AAFP on the Commission of the Health of the Public and Science and as a liaison to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She has served on AAFP committees and working groups of Public Health Issues, Primary Care and Public Health Integration and Clinical Practice Guidelines. She has received grants from the March of Dimes, the Nevada Trust Fund for Public Health, the American Dental Association and the Women's Health Initiative.

Educational Record

San Francisco State University, CA. BS Physical Therapy. St. George's University School of Medicine, Grenada. M.D. Family Medicine Residency, University of Nevada, Reno Professional Experience. After graduating from Residency, Dr. McCarthy combined her love of community medicine with her medical practice by becoming faculty in the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Family and Community Medicine Department and by working in rural emergency departments. She currently heads the rural obstetrics program and teaches residents to care for obstetrical patients in the rural setting in Yerington, Nevada. Dr. McCarthy teaches Clinical Problem Solving to first and second year medical students at the medical school. She is also a clinical densitometrist at the University Center for Bone Health.


Dr Catherine McCarthy was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She moved to San Francisco in 1986 to attend college at San Francisco State University. For medical school Dr McCarthy relocated to Grenada and completed her clinical years of medical school in England, California and Guyana. She enjoys her time away from medicine sailing, skiing, traveling and spending time with her family and her son, Bear.

Passions: time with family, sailing

Why University of Nevada Reno? - Lake Tahoe, boating, paddle boarding, skiing

Favorite book: Shantaram

Favorite quote: "To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the day the night, thou canst not then be false to any man"

Hometown: Philadelphia


  • Medical School: St. George's University School of Medicine
  • Undergraduate: San Francisco State University
  • Residency: University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine (Family Medicine)