Final Grade Assignment

To whom this policy applies

UNR Med Medical students

Who needs to know this policy

  • Medical Students
  • Faculty
  • Staff


This policy establishes the framework for assigning grades to students for all graded components of the M.D. Program.


The Course Director is responsible for assigning a final grade to each student enrolled in the course. The M.D. Program of the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine shall use the Honors/High-Pass/Pass/Fail grading scheme. These will be recorded as "H", "HP", "P" and "F" on the official student transcript, respectively. A temporary grade of "Incomplete" may be assigned at the end of a course if the student has not yet completed the requirements for that course.

The Medical Education Steering Committee (MESC) shall determine the specific grading scheme used in each course. Upon approval from the MESC, courses may use a portion of the full grading scheme, such as only "Pass" and "Fail".

The approval of new courses by the MESC shall include approval of the specific grading procedures, including which of the available grades will be utilized for that course.


  • Course: Any graded component of the curriculum. Including, but not limited to, the Blocks, Clerkships,
    Electives and required clinical rotations such as the Rural Rotation.
  • Course Director: The faculty responsible for the management of a course. Including, but not limited to, the
    Longitudinal Block Directors, Clerkship Directors, Elective Directors and the Directors of any required clinical rotations.
  • Grade: Rating scale used for summative assessment of student performance in a course
  • Honors: Outstanding performance which significantly exceeds basic competency levels
  • High-Pass: Performance in which some basic competency levels have been exceeded
  • Pass: Acceptable performance in which all basic competencies have been met
  • Fail: Basic competencies have not been met

Responsibilities & procedures

Course Directors, in collaboration with the Curricular Affairs, shall develop the activities, assignments and assessments that form the curricular components from which the grade for a course is derived. 

Course Directors, in collaboration with the Curricular Affairs, shall create and distribute a syllabus and related learning materials to students and teaching faculty that clearly state the criteria that have been set for the course grade.

Course Directors shall communicate final grade assignments to the UNR Med registrar within the established timeframe.

The UNR Med Registrar will post grades within the established timeframe.