About Autism

Autism, a neurological condition, involves impairment in communication skills, difficulty relating to others, and repetitive behaviors. These characteristics can look very different in different children. Some characteristics may be easy to see while others are more subtle. The following are only a few examples of how autism may appear:

Signs of Autism

  • Difficulties in Regulation: Children with autism may not look at your face when you are interacting with them. They may smile infrequently and may have sensory sensitivities, making it difficult to regulate touch, sounds, sights, smells, and tastes.
  • Difficulties in Engagement: Children with autism may be uncomfortable making eye contact. Some may not babble, point, enjoy shared interests, or respond to his or her name.
  • Difficulties with Social Interaction: Children with autism often do not imitate, may lack a cohesive, steady flow of communication or have delayed communication, and sometimes do not engage in pretend play.
  • Difficulties with Repetitive Behavior: Children with autism may demonstrate an increased preoccupation with certain toys or activities, demonstrate an unusual adherence to routines, or be persistent with repetitive motor movements.

University Center for Autism and Neurodevelopment (UCAN)

The University Center for Autism and Neurodevelopment (UCAN) provides autism evaluations at no cost to families.

Learn more about UCAN