M.D. Student Handbook

This handbook (currently under review) is a reference for medical students and others seeking information concerning the formal administrative policies and procedures of the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine (UNR Med) related to students. Nothing in this document constitutes a contract or creates a contractual obligation on the part of UNR Med. The school reserves the right to interpret and apply its policies and procedures, and to deviate from these guidelines, as appropriate in the particular circumstances and in accordance with the missions and goals of UNR Med. Every student enrolled at UNR Med is accountable for reading, understanding and abiding by the regulations listed in this handbook, as well as the general Rules and Regulations of the University as set forth by the Nevada System of Higher Education and University of Nevada, Reno Administrative Manual.

Policy Disclaimer: All policies referenced in the handbook are subject to change and the most recently approved policy will be followed. Updated policies can be found at UNR Med Policy Page

Index of Student Handbook