Student Records

The Office of Admissions and Student Affairs maintains files for all UNR Med students to document academic progress and promotion. The confidentiality and security of education records are of primary importance to the medical school and the university. The management of student records complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), and the University of Nevada, Reno Privacy Notice and Request for Confidential Status of Directory Information. The Student Record Review Policy, described below, defines the procedures for students and faculty to access these records and how students may request to challenge any information they consider to be inaccurate, misleading, or inappropriate. Students are encouraged to review their academic files regularly. Access to a student's file does not include the right to make copies of all or part of the file.

Student files include the following sections:

  • General information (signed photo release form, insurance beneficiary designation form)
  • Years 1 and 2 - grade reports/professionalism reports
  • Year 3 Clerkships - evaluation and grade reports
  • Year 4 Electives - evaluation and grade reports
  • Background checks, drug screenings
  • Disability accommodations from the UNR Disability Resource Center
  • Learning assessment evaluations
  • Commendations
  • Administrative action(s) - including all written correspondence from the Student Promotion and Conduct Committee
  • Medical Student Performance Evaluation


The official UNR Med Diploma is presented at the Academic Hooding ceremony. Graduates also receive a copy of the Diploma for their records. A second diploma indicating graduation from NSHE will be mailed by UNR at a later date. To protect the integrity of the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Diploma, and to avoid the possibility of fraudulent use of the Diploma, UNR Med does not grant replacement or duplicate diplomas for name changes or other reasons. 

A student has the right and shall be accorded the opportunity to inspect, review, and/or receive copies of the student's educational records upon written request to the Associate Dean of Admissions and Student Affairs. The medical school must comply with the student's request within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed 10 days after the request is received.

Exceptions to this right of access are: Financial records of parents, confidential letters and statements of recommendation, records that the student has waived the right to inspect, records of instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel which are in the sole possession of the maker and which are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a regular replacement for that record holder (an example would be a professor's grade book), records of law enforcement agencies which are kept separate from educational records, maintained only for law enforcement purposes, and available only to law enforcement officials of the same jurisdiction, and privileged records of physicians, psychiatrists, and other professionals concerned with the treatment of a student and available only to other professionals providing treatment. (Students may designate a physician or other appropriate professional to view the records.)

In addition, faculty and/or other university administrative personnel requesting access to a student's educational record must present a legitimate educational reason to instruct, advise, or otherwise assist the student to the Associate Dean of Admissions and Student Affairs. Such assistance must involve the University in its primary educational and scholarly functions and/or secondary administrative functions of disbursing funds, keeping records, or recognizing student educational achievements. Upon approval from the Associate Dean of Admissions and Student Affairs, the requested portion of the student record will be released within a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed 10 days after the request is received.

Local current student addresses and telephone numbers must be on file. It is the responsibility of the student to update said directory information regularly in MyNEVADA.

The University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine has a number of uses for student records and a student's likeness/photographic image. Students are advised of rights under FERPA and should contact ASA should they request that the school not disclose directory information and/or likeness/photographic image. This request must be made in writing to the School, and sent to:

Brandi Taylor Aiazzi
Coordinator, Medical School Records & Registration
University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine
1664 N. Virginia St./0357 Reno, NV 89557
P: (775) 682-8351
F: (775) 784-6194