Vision, Mission & Goals


The vision of the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Physician Assistant (PA) Studies Program is to expand and enhance access to health care for all Nevadans through PA workforce development and advocacy for the profession.


The mission of the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Physician Assistant (PA) Studies Program is to train flexible and committed primary care clinicians dedicated to strengthening health care in their communities.


Based on these vision and mission statements, the goals of the program are:

Goal #1

Prepare clinically skilled PAs by providing an educational environment that fosters learning and prepares students to meet the primary care workforce needs of underserved and rural Nevada.

Key Performance Indicators with Targets:

  • Graduates that remain in Nevada. Target: 60%
  • Graduates that choose primary care as their initial practice setting. Target: 20%
  • Graduates that practice in a rural setting. Target: 20%

Program activities to support the goal:

  • Six, 4-week primary care focused clerkships
  • 4-week clerkship in medically underserved populations
  • Clerkship opportunities throughout rural Nevada

Assessment Mechanism:

  • 1-year post-graduation surveys of practice settings

Results (updated 3/13/2025)

Graduates (n=92)
(Class of 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024)
Target Performance
Response Rate 87% (80/92)
Graduates who remain in Nevada 60% 84% (67/80) including surrounding communities
Primary care as initial practice setting 20% 40% (32/80)
Practice in rural settings 20% 29% (23/80)

Goal #2

Provide educational and training opportunities for non-traditional students, particularly those from rural and underserved Nevada communities, and those with military service (active duty, reserve, guard, veteran).

Key Performance Indicators with Targets:

Students from:

  • Nevada Target: 80%
  • Rural  Target: 30%

Students with:

  • Military service. Target: 5%

Program activities to support the goal:

Website and informational sessions that provide candidates with program goals. The admissions process to screen and identify candidates with these characteristics.

Assessment Mechanism:

  • Admissions data


All Matriculants (n=96) Target Performance Characteristics
From Nevada or Nevada Heritage 80% 85% (82/96) See below
Rural 30% 38% (36/96) See below
Military service 5% 13% (12/29) See below

Four most recent COHORTs (n=matriculants)

Class of 2023 (n=24)     Target     Performance     Characteristics    
From Nevada or Nevada Heritage     80%     79% (19/24) S. Lake Tahoe CA
Rural 30%     58% (14/24) Cedar Ridge CA, Dayton NV, Fallon NV, Gardnerville NV, Griswold CT, Jackson CA,
Loomis CA, Placerville CA, Red Bluff CA, S. Lake Tahoe CA, Truckee CA, Ukiah CA
Military Service 5%     25% (6/24) Air Force, Army, Marine Corps
Class of 2024 (n=24)     Target     Performance     Characteristics    
From Nevada or Nevada Heritage     80% 92% (22/24)
Rural 30% 33% (8/24) Angwin CA, Auburn CA, Dayton NV, Fernley NV, June Lake CA,
S. Lake Tahoe CA, Stateline NV
Military Service 5% 0% (0/24)
Class of 2025 (n=24)     Target     Performance     Characteristics    
From Nevada or Nevada Heritage     80% 83% (20/24)
Rural 30% 25% (6/24) Gardnerville CA, Mesquite NV, Palms CA, S. Lake Tahoe CA, Shasta CA,
Truckee CA, Twentynine CA, Winnemucca NV
Military Service 5% 17% (4/24)
Class of 2026 (n=24)     Target     Performance     Characteristics    
From Nevada or Nevada Heritage     80% 88% (21/24)
Rural 30% 33% (8/24) Grass Valley CA, Mammoth Lakes CA, Pahrump NV, Placerville CA,
Steamboat CO, Winnemucca NV
Military Service 5% 8% (2/24)

Goal #3

Recruit qualified applicants who will successfully complete medical education as a PA.

Key Performance Indicators with Targets:

  • Graduation rate. Target: 85%

Program activities to support the goal:

  • Analyze admissions and program data and apply it to revise the admissions process. Identify and recruit candidates that are statistically successful in our program.

Assessment Mechanism:

  • Admissions and program data.


(ARC-PA Standard 5th A3.12i)

Cohort Matriculated Graduated Graduation Rate
2021 24 23 96%
2022 24 24 100%
2023 24 22 92%
2024 24 23 96%

Goal #4

To provide students with the knowledge, skills, and experience to be successful, competent PAs.

Key Performance Indicators with Targets:

  • Maintain a PANCE First Time Pass Rate at or above the national mean
  • Graduate ratings on preparation for entry into PA practice upon graduation. Target: 3.5 or greater (surveyed six months post-graduation)

Program activities to support the goal:

Provide high-quality rigorous education through a solid curriculum, interprofessional educational experiences, and strong alignment with the Department of Family and Community Medicine and community partners. Develop program procedures to exceed self-assessment requirements leading to continuous program innovation and improvement. Faculty development to ensure that instruction is in line with current trends through evidence-based techniques. Early identification of students who may be at academic risk and providing the necessary support.

Assessment Mechanism:

  • PANCE reports. Student surveys of program and faculty.


  • Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination Five Year First Time Taker Summary Report (ARC-PA Standard 5th A3.12c)
  • Survey question: Reflecting on when you graduated, rate the extent to which you felt prepared for entry into PA practice.
Cohort First Time PANCE Pass Rate National Exam First Time Pass Rate Preparedness for Entry to PA Practice
Class of 2021 (n=23) 91% (21/23) 93% 3.6 (21/23; 91% RR)
Class of 2022 (n=24) 92% (22/24) 92% 3.8 (15/24; 63% RR)
Class of 2023 (n=22) 91% (20/22) 92% Not Collected
Class of 2024 (n=23) 91% (21/23) 92% 4.1 (14/23; 61% RR)

[Based on a 5-point scale where 1=Not at all prepared; 2=Not very prepared; 3=Somewhat prepared; 4=Very prepared; 5=Extremely prepared; benchmark set to 3.5/ 70% confidence of preparedness]