Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Residency Didactics

The residency's didactic experiences complement the clinical rotations and other experiences with an emphasis on learner participation and preparation. There are program didactics weekly on Thursday afternoons which is protected time as well as case and clinical conferences during rotations. Most didactic sessions are in person. Residents are expected to demonstrate initiative in terms of seeking out and participating in didactic and clinical experiences, both required and optional, throughout training.

The didactic curriculum is:

  • taught using case-based, small group approaches requiring preparation before seminars and active participation during seminars
  • integrated vertically and horizontally, focusing on relevance to and coordinating with the clinical curriculum
  • designed to minimize duplication, though some information is repeated at points throughout the curriculum so that it can be considered from different perspectives and reviewed in more depth
  • led by a set of core faculty with invited guest faculty to promote a consistently interactive learning environment
  • inclusive of case/ clinical and other presentations by residents
  • taught utilizing face-to-face classes, online and electronic programming, synchronous and asynchronous learning courses, interactive activities and self-assessment tasks, and various forms of media
  • integrate educational programing from several organizations and online resources
  • focus on incorporating ethical/professional concepts, principles of adult learning, and effective use of technology throughout the curriculum in multiple course

Didactic seminars are:

  • protected time scheduled as a block during a half day weekly; there are additional required educational conferences at other times and at the sites during rotations
  • organized by year of training with some seminars including trainees from multiple years
  • organized to occur during multiple years with specific content covered each year
  • complementary to site teaching which occurs on rotations

Typically, residents are expected to spend at least an hour a day preparing for didactics and/or learning independently.

Each year the residents complete individual quality improvement (QI) as well as participating in a group systems QI project. Residents also design, implement, and present (verbal and written) a scholarly project based on individual interests in research, educational, clinical, and/or administrative work during their 4 years of training. Residents will have an assigned mentor, and the clinical curriculum is designed to provide the necessary knowledge, skills and time to complete this project.

Residents have the option of attending a protected, confidential process group weekly led by and experienced group facilitator. There are groups for each level of training.

Senior residents are actively involved in teaching in the didactic courses of the medical students and junior residents.

Courses are organized into the general categories listed below with some subjects integrated throughout the curriculum.


Covers basic knowledge and skills necessary to practice psychiatry effectively

  • Orientation/Psychiatric Practice
  • Development
  • Psychopathology, Assessment, Somatic Therapies and Environmental Interventions
  • Psychotherapy

Practice of Psychiatry

Covers information required to be a successful psychiatrist

  • Literacy (embedded throughout curriculum)
  • Journal Club
  • Interdisciplinary, Morbidity and Mortality, Root Analysis Case Conference Care Seminar
  • Grand Rounds
  • Systems of Care and Leadership/ Transition to Practice
  • Ethics/Professionalism (embedded throughout curriculum)
  • Use of Technology (embedded throughout curriculum)
  • Teaching and education (embedded throughout curriculum)
  • Preparation for Independent Practice (embedded throughout curriculum)
  • Scholarly/Quality Improvement Projects (coordinated with didactic/clinical activities)
  • Process Groups (voluntary, confidential, focus on group dynamics and peer support)

Administrative leadership

Covers activities related to psychiatric leadership and administration

  • Chief Resident Meeting
  • Program Leadership Meeting

Didactic schedule

Didactics PGY1 PGY2 PGY3 PGY4
Week 1 12 p.m. Process Group Process Group Process Group Process Group
1 p.m. Psychotherapy 1 Psychotherapy 2 Psychotherapy 3 Psychotherapy 4
2 p.m. Development Systems & Leadership 1 Systems & Leadership 2 Systems & Leadership 3
3 p.m. Somatic Therapies 1 Somatic Therapies 2 Somatic Therapies 3 Somatic Therapies 4
4 p.m. Grand Rounds
Week 2 12 p.m. Process Group Process Group Process Group Process Group
1 p.m. Psychotherapy 1 Psychotherapy 2 Psychotherapy 3 Psychotherapy 4
2 p.m. Development Systems & Leadership 1 Systems & Leadership 2 Systems & Leadership 3
3 p.m. Somatic Therapies 1 Somatic Therapies 2 Somatic Therapies 3 Somatic Therapies 4
4 p.m. Journal Club
Week 3 12 p.m. Process Group Process Group Process Group Process Group
1 p.m. Psychotherapy 1 Psychotherapy 2 Psychotherapy 3 Psychotherapy 4
2 p.m. Development Systems & Leadership 1 Systems & Leadership 2 Systems & Leadership 3
3 p.m. Somatic Therapies 1 Somatic Therapies 2 Somatic Therapies 3 Somatic Therapies 4
4 p.m. Interdisiplinary, Morbidity and Mortality, Root Analysis Case Conference Care Seminar
Week 4 12 p.m. Process Group Process Group Process Group Process Group
1 p.m. Psychotherapy 1 Psychotherapy 2 Psychotherapy 3 Psychotherapy 4
2 p.m. Development Systems & Leadership 1 Systems & Leadership 2 Systems & Leadership 3
3 p.m. Somatic Therapies 1 Somatic Therapies 2 Somatic Therapies 3 Somatic Therapies 4
4 p.m. Program Leadership Meeting - Program Director/Chief Residents
Orientation = July - August